
Dawn to Dusk! I try to cover as many as topics I could relate to.

Here's a little reflection on our digital connections! So, you know how you sometimes check your contact list and see different status updates from them; t's funny how each one can make you feel a certain way :) Muted Contact: Those are the ones where you had some rough times…

Here I'm reminiscing why I never studied a course I subscribed to!   Back in 2016, I had lost my job and wanted to keep myself engaged. So, I went on to do an exciting certification that kept me engaged. The best part was I could crack it on my first attempt with…

Here's the worst fear of any developer, or at least for me! :) And, ironically, this 1 hour was the most crucial time for me. The longest hour, making me realise how hard I miss this, understood what difference it had made in my career! It has been so useful…

I am the society and I am the stranger It is how you accept! I am the friend and I am the critique It is what you think! I am the teacher and I am the learner It is what you want to be! I am the now and I…