
Dawn to Dusk! I try to cover as many as topics I could relate to.


Here’s a little reflection on our digital connections!

So, you know how you sometimes check your contact list and see different status updates from them; t’s funny how each one can make you feel a certain way 🙂

Muted Contact:

Those are the ones where you had some rough times with, but they’re still kind of hanging around in your head. Even though things weren’t great, they’re still part of your thoughts now and then.

Blocked Contact:

These are the people you’ve had the absolute worst experiences with. “No, I don’t need that negativity in my life anymore; I’ve had enough” Blocking them is like slamming the door shut and throwing away the key.

Normal Contact:

These folks are just there, yes, just there! Their updates don’t really affect you one way or another. They’re just around to maintain the number of your social circle.

Special Contact:

Now, these are the ones you look forward to hearing from. Whether it’s because you share a bond, have great memories together, or just really connect, getting updates from them lights up your day.

You know, it’s really something how those different statuses from our digital connections can reflect what we’re feeling and experiencing with the people in our lives.

Regardless of who it is, maintaining a genuine connection with a digital contact is essential; otherwise, they’re merely a number or background noise!

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