
Dawn to Dusk! I try to cover as many as topics I could relate to.

*** On a poetical / one-liner journey ***

When I am happy, I blow hard!
When I am hurt, I shed a tear!
When I am tired, I shake myself!
When I am bored, I light up!
When I am sleepy, I stretch myself!

 – says Mother Nature 😑


My eyes say – I cannot cry more!
My mind yells – I have had enough!
My conscience reminds – I need to move on!
My feet rubs – I am sick of standing here!
My heart says – I will never stop loving you!


I have never wandered in a crowded place, now I do, looking for the one I had lost!

I do not wish to wake up, not because I am asleep, but I do not want to spoil my dreams of you!


Come for a walk, calls Mom
Sorry busy, I say
Time for walk, phone reminds
Coming mom, I say


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